Signature Creator
Personalize your email messages!
It is a simple tool, based on two wizards: "Handwritten"
Signature Designer and Advanced Signature Creator.
"Handwritten" Signature Designer creates an image of a desired "handwritten" signature.
Advanced Signature Creator builds a signature with your name, a company name, a logo, an homepage and an email in it. You can easily use this signature with your email client.
Signature Creator is based on two wizards: "handwritten" signature designer and email signature creator:
Handwritten" signature designer creates an image of desired "handwritten" signature. You can adjust name, font, size, color and slant of your signature.
- Email signature creator builds signatures, which you can easily add in your email messages. You can enter few strings: your name, company name, homepage and email addresses with hyperlinks and place an image of your "handwritten" signature above this info.
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